
All in One SEO vs Rank Math: The BEST SEO Plugin for 2024

by | Last updated Jun 13, 2024

All in One SEO vs Rank Math

Do you want to avoid your WordPress site getting lost in the vast sea of search results?

You know SEO is the key to ranking higher and attracting more visitors, but which plugin is the right fit for you?

All in One SEO and Rank Math are two well-known SEO plugins for WordPress, each boasting a wide range of features and benefits.

But how do you choose between them? Which one will truly elevate your website’s SEO game and help you achieve those coveted top spots on Google?

In this in-depth comparison, we’ll explore the nitty-gritty of both plugins, their strengths, weaknesses, and overall value so you can make an informed decision and find the perfect SEO companion for your WordPress site.

All in One SEO vs Rank Math: Head-to-Head Overview

All In One SEO

Get your WordPress site noticed by Google! All in One performed great in our hands-on tests, making it a top contender for your SEO needs.

0out of 10

Pricing: Starts with a free trial; paid plans start at $49.60/year

Key Features:

  • Smart Schema Markup
  • TruSEO On-Page Analysis
  • Local SEO Module
Rank Math

Ready to see how Rank Math stacks up? With a free version packed with powerful features, it's a top contender for boosting your SEO.

0out of 10

Pricing: It's Free. It also has a Premium plan starting at $59/month

Key Features:

  • Keyword analysis & Optimization
  • Content AI
  • Schema Markup

We've thoroughly tested both plugins on a variety of WordPress sites, analyzing their features, ease of use, and impact on search engine rankings.

This hands-on experience, combined with extensive research and user feedback, led us to this comprehensive comparison.

What is All in One SEO?

This plugin used to be just another SEO tool, but it's grown into a powerhouse. It's like having a personal SEO assistant in your WordPress dashboard, guiding you through the optimization process.

All In One SEO
All In One SEO

All in One SEO simplifies SEO for your WordPress site. Get smarter sitemaps, local SEO optimization, and easy schema markup to boost your search ranking.

Key Benefits

  • Smarter than the average plugin, AIOSEO boasts a TruSEO score that analyzes your content in real-time and gives you actionable tips for improvement.
  • Local SEO champ: If you're a brick-and-mortar business, AIOSEO's local SEO module will help you get found in local search results.
  • Schema markup made easy: Rich snippets (those eye-catching search results with extra details) are a breeze to set up with AIOSEO.


  • Basic: $49.60/year – Includes additional features like video sitemaps and WooCommerce SEO
  • Plus: $99.60/year – Adds even more power with a news sitemap and SEO for taxonomies.
  • Pro: $199.60/year – All benefits of Plus and more, including a powerful link assistant and access to all future add-ons
  • Elite: $299.60/year – The full package.
All in One SEO


  • Easy to use, even for SEO newbies
  • Comprehensive feature set
  • Excellent customer support


  • The free version is limited.
  • It can be overwhelming for some users.
  • Some advanced features require add-ons.

What is Rank Math?

Rank Math is like having a personal SEO coach inside your WordPress dashboard. It gives you tips, analyzes your site, and helps you get found on Google. Perfect if you're starting out or on a tight budget.

Rank Math
Rank Math

Supercharge your website's potential and dominate search results with Rank Math. Download Rank Math now and watch your traffic skyrocket!

Key Benefits

  • 40+ SEO Tests: Rank Math does a full checkup of your site, looking for over 40 things that could hurt your rankings.
  • Keyword Suggestions: They help you find the best words to use in your content so people can find you more easily.
  • Google Search Console Integration: See how your site is doing in Google Search right in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Local SEO: Special tools to help businesses that serve customers in a specific area get found by people nearby.


  • Free Version: A great starting point with tons of features.
  • Pro Version: Starts at $6.99/month and offers more advanced tools, like keyword tracking for multiple websites and priority support.
  • Business Version: Starts at $20.99/month and is ideal for businesses with various websites. It includes even more features.
  • Agency: Starts at $49.99/month and is ideal for agencies with various websites. It includes even more features, like client management and advanced schema markup.
Rank Math


  • Easy to use, even for beginners.
  • The free version is packed with features.
  • It helps you optimize every part of your website.
  • Great for local SEO.
  • Active community and support.


  • It can be overwhelming for new users due to the number of features.
  • Some advanced features require upgrading to the Pro version.
  • Occasionally, the interface can feel clunky.

All in One SEO vs Rank Math Feature Comparison

Let's take a closer look at how these WordPress SEO plugins stack up against each other in terms of SEO features that truly matter for your website's visibility on search engines.

1. On-Page SEO Analysis

All in One SEO and Rank Math both offer robust on-page analysis tools, but Rank Math takes it a step further with its Content AI feature.

This helps you optimize your content not just for keywords but also for readability and relevance, giving you a competitive edge over other WordPress SEO plugins.

2. Schema Markup

All in One SEO provides a straightforward way to add schema markup to your content, while Rank Math Plugin offers a more advanced schema generator with greater flexibility.

Depending on your technical comfort level, you might prefer one over the other.

3. XML Sitemaps

Both plugins create XML sitemaps to help search engines discover your content.

Rank Math's sitemap settings are slightly more comprehensive, but All in One SEO gets the job done efficiently.

4. Social Media Integration

When it is about social media integration, both plugins give you the ability to customize how your content appears on platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Rank Math offers additional features like social media previews and Open Graph optimization.

5. Keyword Optimization

In the realm of keyword optimization, Rank Math allows you to customize multiple keywords per post, giving you an edge in targeting various search terms.

All in One SEO allows multiple keywords but with a slightly different interface.

Both plugins offer integration with Yoast SEO, which can be helpful if you're transitioning from that plugin.

6. 404 Monitoring

Rank Math's 404 monitor is a handy feature for tracking broken links on your site.

All in One SEO doesn't offer this functionality natively but does have third-party integrations that can help.

7. Ease of Use

All in One SEO is known for its user-friendly interface, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Rank Math offers a wider range of advanced SEO features but might have a steeper learning curve.

Both Rank Math SEO and All in One SEO are solid options for WordPress SEO, offering a wealth of features to improve your site's visibility.

Rank Math provides a bit more flexibility and advanced options, while All in One SEO prioritizes simplicity and ease of use.

What to Look for When Choosing a SEO Plugin?

  • Customer Support: How responsive is the plugin's support team? A quick response can be a lifesaver if you encounter issues.
  • Updates & Compatibility: Does the plugin receive regular updates to stay current with WordPress and SEO best practices?
  • Community & Resources: A strong user community and helpful resources can make a big difference in your learning curve.
  • Scalability: Will the plugin grow with your website as your needs evolve?
  • Additional Features: Some plugins offer additional features, such as broken link checkers, redirect managers, or integration with Google Analytics. Consider which extras are important for your specific goals.

Final Verdict (Our Pick)

In the battle of these two popular WordPress SEO plugins, Rank Math edges out All in One SEO, particularly due to its comprehensive suite of SEO tools, free keyword rank tracking, and more granular SEO settings.

While both plugins offer impressive features and strong SEO score, Rank Math's depth and flexibility make it a top choice for those serious about optimizing their WordPress sites.

Remember, the best SEO plugin ultimately depends on your individual needs and budget.

Consider what features matter most to you and choose the one that aligns with your goals and technical expertise.

With either of these plugins, you'll be well on your way to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, All in One SEO or Rank Math?

Rank Math offers a wider array of features, even in its free version, making it a strong choice for those seeking advanced SEO capabilities. All in One SEO, however, shines with its user-friendly interface, making it ideal for beginners.

Is Rank Math completely free?

Yes, Rank Math offers a robust free version with plenty of features for most users. However, it also has premium plans that unlock additional tools and functionalities for more advanced users.

Can I switch from All in One SEO to Rank Math (or vice versa) without losing my data?

Absolutely! Both plugins offer easy import/export options, allowing you to seamlessly transition between them without losing your SEO settings or data.

Do these plugins slow down my website?

Both All in One SEO and Rank Math are designed to be lightweight and efficient. However, like any plugin, excessive feature use can potentially impact site speed. It's important to use only the features you need and optimize your website for performance.

Do I need both All in One SEO and Rank Math?

No, you only need one SEO plugin for your WordPress site. Installing both can lead to conflicts and negatively impact your site's performance. Please choose the one that best suits your needs and stick with it.