
AddEvent Review 2024

by | Last updated Jul 15, 2024


Keeping track of calendar events can be overwhelming, mainly if you use a free calendar app. Have you ever missed a meeting because it slipped your mind?

Forgetting appointments or events leads to missed opportunities and frustration. Juggling multiple calendars makes things even worse!

Addevent offers a solution to streamline your scheduling. It integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, making event management a breeze.


Join three billion+ Google Workspace users and level up your scheduling with Addevent! Seamlessly integrate with your official Google Calendar app.

What is Addevent?

Addevent is like a power-up for your Google Calendar app.

It makes scheduling events a breeze.

You can easily add events to the calendar and let others do the same with just a click! Addevent works seamlessly with other popular calendar apps, too.

If you’re looking for one of the best calendar apps, especially the best free calendar app, Addevent is a top contender.


Who Created Addevent?

While the creators of Addevent prefer to keep their names private, their vision is clear.

They want to make scheduling easy, whether you primarily work from a desktop version or use multiple calendar accounts.

Addevent integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and many others, showing their commitment to flexibility.

Top Benefits of Addevent

  • Google Calendar works flawlessly: Addevent integrates perfectly with Google Calendar, making it a fantastic choice for fans of the best calendar.
  • Android apps? No problem! Access and use Addevent easily on your Android phone or other Android apps.
  • Manage all your calendars: Add multiple calendars across different platforms for a centralized view of your schedule.
  • Automatic calendar updates: Changes to events on Addevent will update your calendar automatically, keeping you in the loop.
  • Event details at your fingertips: Create events with all the essential event details directly in Addevent.
  • The best calendar event creation: Addevent offers a streamlined way to create calendar events easily.

Best Features of Addevent

Addevent isn’t just another calendar platform. It packs a punch with excellent features that make scheduling way easier. Let’s dive into some of the top ones:

1. Embeddable Calendars

Share your schedule in style! Addevent lets you create sleek, embeddable calendars. Pop them on your website or anywhere you want people to see your upcoming events.


2. “Add to Calendar” Buttons

Make it a no-brainer for people to add your events to their calendars. Addevent creates easy “Add to Calendar” buttons. No more excuses for missing out!


3. RSVP Tracking

Do you need to know who’s coming to your event? Addevent has you covered. Track RSVPs and get a headcount so you can plan accordingly.


4. Seamless Integrations

Addevent plays well with others! It works perfectly with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Apple devices, iOS devices, and even Microsoft Exchange.


5. Customizable Landing Pages

Addevent automatically creates a landing page for each of your events. Tweak it to match your style and share all the essential details with your audience.


Addevent Pricing

Addevent offers a straightforward pricing structure with both free and paid options.

Plan NamePrice (Monthly)Key Features
Free$0Basic event creation, “Add to Calendar” buttons, limited analytics
Small Business$36Expanded event customization, landing page templates, RSVP options
Professional$129More advanced event creation, customizable landing pages, RSVP tracking, detailed analytics
EnterpriseContact SalesTailored solutions for large teams or complex needs

Pros and Cons of Addevent

Before diving into any product, weighing the good and the not-so-good is helpful. Let’s look at Addevent’s strengths and weaknesses:


  • Simple and user-friendly: Easy to set up and navigate.
  • Seamless Google Calendar integration: Works perfectly if you’re already in the Google ecosystem.
  • “Add to Calendar” buttons: Make it a breeze for people to add your events.
  • Embeddable calendars: Great for showcasing your schedule.
  • Free plan available: Let’s test the waters before committing.


  • Limited features on the free plan: You might need to upgrade for advanced options.
  • Can be pricey: The higher-tier plans come with a steeper cost.
  • Some reported syncing issues: A few users experience inconsistent syncing across calendars.

Addevent Alternatives

While Addevent offers excellent features, exploring other options is always wise. Here are some popular alternatives:

  • Calendly is a well-known scheduling tool that automates appointment and meeting bookings. It is excellent if external scheduling is your primary need.
  • Doodle is simple and effective for group scheduling. It offers easy poll-style options to find the best time for everyone.
  • YouCanBook.me is another scheduling tool similar to Calendly but with a slightly different feature set and pricing structure.
  • SuperSaaS: Offers a highly customizable scheduling solution with features like resource management and recurring appointments.

Important Note: Your best alternative will depend on your specific needs and priorities. It’s worth trying a few options to see which one is the best fit!

Personal Experience with Addevent

My team and I recently started using Addevent, and it’s made such a difference! Here’s why we love it:

  • Smooth Setup: Getting started with Addevent was a breeze.
  • Microsoft Exchange Fan: It works perfectly with our Microsoft Exchange setup, so everyone stays in the loop.
  • Shared Calendar Superpower: We can easily see everyone’s availability on the shared calendar. No more confusing schedule clashes!
  • Features We Love: The embeddable calendars and RSVP tracking have been game-changers for event planning.

Overall, Addevent has helped us stay more organized and less stressed about scheduling. We even tried all the features on the free plan before deciding it was worth upgrading!

Conclusion: Should You Buy Addevent?

Addevent is a great tool for scheduling events.

If you already use Google Calendar, it’s a no-brainer. Its free plan lets you try things out, and its paid options give you more power. While similar apps are out there, Addevent offers a lot of bang for your buck.

Ready to ditch calendar chaos? Give Addevent a try and see the difference it makes!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Addevent cost?

Addevent has a free plan for basic use and paid plans starting from $19/month.
These offer more features, like advanced customization and RSVP tracking. Their website has an up-to-date pricing breakdown.

Can I use Addevent with other calendars?

Yes! Addevent integrates with popular calendars like Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, and more. This means you can manage everything from one calendar while keeping things synced.

How easy is it to share events with Addevent?

Addevent makes it super easy! You get “Add to Calendar” buttons to embed on websites and emails. Plus, each event gets its customizable landing page for sharing.

Does Addevent help with checking coworkers’ availability?

If your team uses a shared calendar platform that integrates with Addevent (like Google Calendar or Microsoft Exchange), you can quickly check coworkers’ availability when scheduling events.

Are there similar apps to Addevent?

Yes! Alternatives like Calendly, Doodle, and YouCanBook.me offer scheduling features. The choice depends on specific need of yours and your calendar platforms.